Activities for Monster-on-the-Go KIT
Monster Finger Puppets
Create your own monster faces with fun detachable Velcro accessories

Monster Activity Book
Filled with cool stickers with lots of colouring, counting and tracing

Pocket colouring roll
Ten fun designs to colour with stackable crayons. The paper roll can stick on any surface

Painting pad + Brush
Convenient and easy to use. Dip in a bit of water and paint away.

Monster Sticky Notes
Write funny notes and enjoy various sticky monster games included in the activity guide

Activities for BusyBugs KIT
Colour Sorting
Let Children be familiar with various colours and let then sort the same colours together.For use with pompoms, cups, bells, star crayons, clips, buttons, feathers, pipe cleaners and cut out shapes

Pick me Up
Squeezing, pinching, picking, sorting, counting and colour matching! Your little one is strengthening their fine motor skills with the mini tong, sorting colours or counting each item out loud for bigger toddlers.
For use with pompoms, cups, bells, star crayons, clips

Sensory processing Play
Let your toddler touch and hold the various items in the kit and describe to them more vividly each item. For example: the felt is rough, the feather is soft, the crayon is smooth, red circle, green crayon, this butterfly is bigger than the other, etc. This can build your toddler’s language and visual perception.
Downy feathers
With the special light and fluffy texture of the feather, let your toddler touch, feel the softness and lightness of the feathers by gently stroking their skin with the feather.Let your toddler blow through the feather and see it fluttering.Great for tactile experience.

String it up
Let toddlers be familiar with various shapes (round, triangle, square, diamond, hexagon, star) and develop their fine motor skills by stringing the felt shapes with either the shoe lace or the coloured furry pipe cleaners

Zip and button up
Allow them to practice how to button and zip up.Let toddlers learn daily life activities like dressing themselves up.This also develops eye hand coordination and precise hand movements.

Tie your shoe lace
Let your children learn practical skills such as tying their own shoelaces.This will help in eye hand coordination and grasp and develop precise hand movements.

Let the children freely colour the sneaker board with the star shape crayons.Develop their creativity and self-expression.The crayons are small enough for their little hands to hold and doodle away.

Memory Card
Simple picture objects.Identical cards great for matching.Place a few picture cards on the table (one of each pair).Then hand the toddler one of the remaining cards and ask him/her to find the matching card from the pool on the table.Toddlers can also use the star shaped crayons to colour in the memory card.
You can use one bell or string all the bells together to make a musical toy.Use as a visual and auditory rattle stimulation for reaching and grasping and batting.Play some fun music and let your toddlers play with the bells at the same time. Good for rhythm and auditory development.

Build a Tower
Use the paper cups to stack and build a tower.Add other plastic cups or containers available at home to make a higher tower.With a small ball, your toddler can play bowling and roll the ball to try and knock the tower down.

Mini lock with key
Let toddlers match the colour of the key and the lock and develop their fine motor skills in trying to open the locks.

Monster’s teeth
Wooden clips can be placed on the busy bug opening and this becomes MONSTER’S TEETH! This helps in essential fine motor skills to keep little fingers busy.

Hungry Monster
Encourage toddlers to have fun cleaning up after an activity by letting them place the items into the opening slot of the Busy Bug Kit
Sticky Fun
Play and count colourful butterfly and ladybug stickers.Let your toddler stick on the felt box.Stickers can be easily stored and reused.

Pretend Play
Let your toddler set up a pretend tea party using various items in the kit.This early type of role playing will enable them to use the items through imaginative play.

Roll the bells
Have your toddler sit with legs apart, as you roll the bell between his/her legs.You’re your toddler try to catch the bell.This is great for practicing hand & eye coordination.
What Shape?
After making sure your toddler knows the names of the different shapes, you can ask them to find similar shapes around the home to get them more familiar with various shapes.

Magic Cups Memory Game
Place same items under different cups and let your toddler remember and find the same items under different cups.
Get some of the items from the kit and cover it up with a small cloth or put inside the cloth bag. Remove the cover and let your toddler take a look at the items for a few seconds. Cover the item again and ask your toddler to name the objects that they have seen. Adapt the game according to the age and ability of your child by altering the number of objects shown and/or the time given to look at them.

Ladybug counting card
Enjoy counting out loud with toddlers, practicing counting by letting them place the mini wooden ladybugs on the counting board.

Ladybug hunt
Hide the mini wooden ladybugs around your toddler’s play area and ask them to find it. This could also be fun to play with other kids on playdates.

Count & Zip up
Learning to count as they put the buttons inside the mini purse. This can also be a start of simple daily life knowledge as they relate to adults counting money to buy something. Encourage children to do some pretend play.